Just click on the magazine photo for a direct link requesting the magazine
Being a proud advertiser in the Grand Strand Bride magazine I am encouraging all of the potential brides to be to check out the newest issue. You will NOT be disappointed. This really is a unique and finely articulated magazine for brides looking to have a wedding here in the Myrtle Beach, SC Grand Strand area.
Now I also had a very nice endorsement from VisitSouth.com and this photo of the bride and her friends jumping and you will link you directly to it. I would really love your feedback on what they had to say, as well as my photography.
In closing, I have to say that I am not a photographer because it was some career path I stumbled into as a youngster. Its not as if life developed and somehow I am stuck doing something...
I am a photographer because I have an artistic background, was HUGELY fortunate enough to be exposed to a photography program while I was in high school. Over the last 20 years I have had a pretty nice camera and I took photos here and there for friends and family, weddings and senior portraits. Its now, over 20 years later that I have taken an honest evaluation of my life and decided to do something I REALLY LOVE doing.
When I spend 3-4-5 sometimes 6 hours out in the HOT, the HUMID, covered in SAND (and sand in places it shouldn't be), getting into the air conditioned car... and just about falling asleep on my way home. I still CAN'T wait to dig into the photos from that day. I know I have captured some really cool and sometimes even GREAT moments in these peoples lives. I not only want to see them but share them with these families and the world.
Thank you when you call and book me as your photographer. It humbles me ever single time. I never take it for granted!!!
August T. Michel Photography
"We specialize in the Extraordinary!"